Your sugar craving is a sign your body is under STRESS.

Your sugar craving is a sign your body is under STRESS.
Is this you?
You crave sugar. You then over consume sugar. You feel shame and guilt for over consuming sugar. You tell yourself you have a "problem" with sugar. You vow to never eat sugar again. In 1-2 weeks, you do the exact thing again and again and again.
YOU must be a SUGAR addict!
Or not.
You see, when you understand human physiology, you begin to understand that when you CRAVE sugar, it's your body telling you it NEEDS more energy. And what is your body's preferred source of energy, especially under stress? Sugar. Glucose. Carbs.
When you are under stress (this happens anytime you need more energy than you have available), your energetic NEEDS increase. Your body needs more fuel to keep up with the additional demands. Thus, the cells in your body will start using up the sugar in your blood more rapidly. As sugar leaves the blood and your blood sugar begins to drop, signals get sent out (via hormones-adrenal and cortisol) to help raise blood sugar.
Stress hormones stay elevated until either the stress subsides, the body breakdowns tissue to increase blood sugar OR you consume sugar or something that will eventually convert to sugar (protein).
Essentially you CRAVE sugar to bring down stress hormones. It's your body attempting to protect you from muscle and tissue catabolism.
When you are stressed, you crave sugar for a reason, your body needs more fuel. If your liver is properly fueled, liver glycogen reserves will get released into the blood, attempting to regulate blood sugar. If your are under eating, restricting sugar and carbs, and/or chronically stressed, the liver will become depleted quickly. At this point, your body will rely on the stress hormones, adrenaline and cortisol to break down tissue to regulate your system.
The BEST thing to do to avoid the catabolism of your tissue, under stress, is to consume adequate sugar.*
*Best sugar sources are those that provide both energy AND nutrients--fruits, juice, milk, honey, roots. Healthy sugars should be combined with adequate protein and fat to help balance blood sugar.


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