The Health and Fitness Industry is an Illusion

The health and fitness "industry" is an illusion.
Once upon a time, I bought into this illusion--visions of beautiful people sipping on celery juice, lemon water and matcha tea. Everyone looks so happy and healthy enjoying their cup of lemon water, while just finishing up their hour long Peloton class.
In this made-up world, you hear things like this...
"What an amazing class! I just love doing my workouts fasted and then waiting until 2PM to get my first meal of air and water --it makes me feel so alert and clear headed."
"After a 12 hour work day, I feel best when I sip on my green juice and go for a 10 mile run-- I can stay up for hours afterwards, with my endless energy."
"My partner and I love to do cleanses together, there is nothing like "not eating" that brings a couple closer together."
Ya'll, this sh*t is made up.
I have been in this industry for almost 30 years and what I can tell you is 90% of what you hear and see is BS. Most of what you see and hear is just great marketing. Period.
You see, much of the crap advertised in the health and fitness industry is just that--crap-- that does not work.
Expensive cleanses? Fasted cardio? Highly processed diet foods? --DO NOT WORK--at least, long term. If they did work, we would all be healthier and happier--but, that sh*t is not happening.
What DOES works?
👉You being curious about your life, health and happiness.
👉You understanding your physiology and supporting it the BEST way you know how--This could be nutritionally, energetically, emotionally, mentally.
👉You putting in the effort.
👉You understanding that healing takes time. There is NO need to do more than you can handle. When you can handle more, you can do more. Health is a journey, not a destination.
The answer to your health/happiness is not outside of you. Your health is not found in the pages of Fitness or Health magazine, the next fad diet or health-hack gadget.
It is found in YOU--your commitment, your desire to learn and nourish your body, your grace, your patiences, your love for self and your courage to keep going.
Stop chasing the illusion. Start learning about you.


Your sugar craving is a sign your body is under STRESS.


Are you REALLY Lactose Intolerant?Bring Dairy Back into Your lIfe