Deceptive Food Marketing.

Mayo/salad dressing addition
I have to admit, it is NEAR impossible to find a healthy pre-made salad dressing. 99% of them contain soy bean, vegetable or canola oils.
Check out these Mayonnaise brands made "with" real olive oil
You would think, that a mayonnaise or dressing that advertises "made with real olive oil", would be made with, you know --olive oil. At the very least, you would think olive oil would be the main oil in the dressing. Yet, it is NOT.
Food companies know olive oil is far more marketable AND expensive than soybean oil, vegetable or canola oil. Thus, they deceive you into thinking this mayo is made with olive oil. Yet the most abundant oil in this mayo is soybean oil. Even better it is genetically modified (GM) soy oil, as 99% of all soybeans are GM. AND If the container does not say organic, you can bet those soy beans are GMO.
GM Soybean oil is one of the cheapest liquid oils on the market. Which would explain why it is put into almost every salad/mayo dressing. Even organic dressings add soy bean oil--theirs are just NOT GMO.
And despite what food marketers would have you believe, soybean oil is also one of the worst ones for you. Soybean oil contains about 60% polyunsaturated fats. You know the immune suppressing, digestive enzyme inhibiting, blocking thyroid production PUFAS?
"Buyer beware" when you are searching for a healthy dressing or Mayo. The few exceptions are Chosen Foods Keto Mayo--which is made with actual coconut oil. And Primal Kitchens, which uses avocado oil.
Remember to LOOK at all the ingredients, even the ones that advertise containing olive oil or coconut oil. 99% of these "healthy" salad dressings, even the organic varieties, will contain some sort of OTHER oil--most likely soy, canola, safflower or sunflower oils.
My suggestion is to either use a dressing from above or make your own mayo or salad dressing... Home made is pretty darn easy, and they are tastier than most store bought varieties.


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