You want a happier, healthier life?--LET THIS SH*T GO!

1. Your temper. It never helps ANYONE to over react.

2. Petty Grudges. Nothing petty is worth your energy. Apologize if you need to, and give someone another chance if they deserve it.

3. Lingering false beliefs. Basically watch your thoughts. Always ask yourself, "is this true?".

4. Your Expectations. You will never be disappointed with no expectations.

5. Life's small annoyances. The loud neighbor, the beeping truck--are all things that have annoyed the crap out of me, if I let them. It's interesting how when I stop focusing on these things, I fail to hear them as often.

6. The idea that some people are below you. Regardless of who you are, what you have and/or your job or title, you are no better than anyone else.

7. The belief that material possessions make you who you are. You are NOT your stuff, thus buying more stuff will not make you a better, happier, healthier person.

8. Seeking happiness outside yourself. True happiness comes from within.

9. Wanting to be repaid for EVERY good deed you do. If you are going to give, give without expectations of getting anything in return.

10. All the little white lies and charades. Be impeccable with your word.

11. Your self-doubt. You are smarter than you think--you KNOW yourself better than anyone else on this planet.

12. Waiting for the stars to align. Things will never be "perfect" to start anything. Job, relationship, healthy eating, etc. So just start. You will learn more along the way.

13. An "all or nothing" view of success. Appreciate the journey, the ups and downs. It is not all about the start and the finish line.

14. Self-criticism. Instead of putting yourself down, love yourself more--even in your failures. Accept you are human, forgive yourself, and move on.

15. Changing just to impress people. Be yourself always. If people do not like who you are, then move on. Not everyone is going to like you, no matter what you do. And remember, if someone does not like you, it says more about them, then it does about you.

*Inspired by the book "Getting back to happy"
By Marc and Angel Chernoff


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